Murphy Morris

Independent Reviews

We can review a part of your event or your whole event. Independent reviews allow an external and objective perspective of crowd safety issues and opportunities. Improve processes, systems and maximise budgets and the audience experience with a crowd safety risk analysis review.

Reviews can be particularly helpful when:


We can support with crowd safety at your event or venue on a project basis or ongoing consultancy basis, depending on your requirements. The earlier we are engaged the better as we can assist in improving systems before key decisions are made and budget is spent.

Teaching & Speaking

From half day to full day workshops, teaching sessions and bespoke training for your event or venue, we can teach you the tools to design and deliver your crowd safety plan. Íse is also available as a speaker on themes including crowd safety, Zone Ex, and self empowerment and equality in the events industry and beyond.

Mentoring & Guidance

Are you seeking clarity and direction in your life or career? Regular mentoring or individual guidance calls are designed to support you on your journey. In these personalised sessions, I provide a compassionate and insightful space to explore your needs and goals.